About Pullen Elementary
School Location & Phone:
Dorothy Smith Pullen Elementary
6492 FM 3097
Rockwall, TX 75032
972-772-2424 (fax)
School Hours
Breakfast Start Time: 7:15 am
Operational Hours/Tutoring begins for all students: 7:30 am
- School Start Time: 8:00 am
- School Ends: 3:00 pm
Our Mission
Pullen Elementary nurtures positive relationships and equips learners to grow academically and social-emotionally to achieve their full potential as global citizens.
Our Core Values
- Relationships
- Growth
- Resiliency
Policies and Handbook
Rockwall ISD annually publishes a Student Code of Conduct Handbook, which highlights the rules and policies for all campuses and school activities. Each student is required to comply with school policies or face disciplinary action. Please take time to read and understand the district handbooks so all students can achieve success.
We would also like to provide you with information that is specific to the Pullen campus.
Eating lunch with your child: Children love for family members to come eat lunch with them. Please sign in at the office upon entering the building. You may bring food of your choosing for your child to eat. You may not bring food for any other children.
Drop Off in the Morning: Our Pullen Ambassadors are here at 7:30 to greet and open car doors for your children. They will be on post until 7:50 (first bell). They open doors and help keep the cars moving. Please follow their directions and pull up as far as possible before having your children leave your vehicle on the curb side. If you wish to park and walk your child in you must cross at the location with the Crossing Guard. Please watch to make sure the traffic has been stopped before crossing.
Afternoon Dismissal: Children will be dismissed at 3:00 pm. Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th are picked up in the front of the school. Grades Pre-K, K, 4th, and 5th are dismissed on the back porch. Older siblings will join youngest siblings on the designated porch. In order to deliver a safe and quick pick up we have developed a new system. Every student has been given a color-coded sign for parents to put their child’s name and grade level. The sign should be placed visibly in the car window or dash
Birthday Treat Policy:
Please read for district policy on birthday treats for elementary campuses